Thursday, October 27, 2011

MFAMB in the House

It's here, it's here.

My Jenny original.

And it's GORGEOUS!

I've named her Maxine.

She hasn't found her forever home yet...thinking right above the bed in our master might be the spot...we shall see.

For now, I had to share some close ups I took of Maxine- she really is a beauty.

And here she is in full {both vertically and horizontally...she's not sure which way she likes to be yet;}

Please excuse the dead roses in the above shot.

Focus on Maxine.

She's just SO damn pretty.

As you can see....Miss Jenny in not just painting for shits and giggles.

Turns out she's BEYOND talented.

And sweet too.

Total girl crush material.

If you were smart, you'd commission a Jenny original of your own before she gets real famous and you can no longer afford such fabulousness.

This lady is going to big places.

Trust me.

And PS, after my Saatchi Online post yesterday, I'm on even more of a ginormous original art kick.

I've been contacted by 3 of the artists already.

God I love talented people who are also nice.

So refreshingly awesome.

All this art is making my shitballs week turn pretty.

Thank you artists.

Thank you Jenny!!!




  1. stunning! It is even better than I imagined...i can't wait what bollywood madness paints up for me!

  2. love it, and the colours are perfect for you!

  3. Wow wow wow obsessed! It is incredible. I actually wrote about Jenny's paintings today too! In love.

  4. I already knew that Jenny was all kinds of talented, but this is above and beyond! It is *fabulous*!!! The colors and flow of Maxine is just t.d.f. I can't wait to see which fantastic space she finally graces! (c:

  5. C it turned out so lovely! Totally smitten with it! I REALLY want Jenny to do one for me asap!

  6. What a pretty painting, it's so you! She is very talented right! I love Saatchi too. Been browsing for a while now but haven't made any decisions yet of course!

  7. What an amazing piece of art....looks lovely where you have it displayed:)

    Enter my Shabby Apple FAB Frock Giveaway!!

  8. all of you deserve pretty paintings!

    thanks christine.
    you are the sweetest there is.


  9. truly gorgeous! jenny is the BEST & can't wait to see what she has in store for me!

  10. That is WAY beyond fabulous! Just gorgeous. Love it.

  11. Maxine is nice to meet her!! Wow looove the colors, it is going to be sensational to decorate around. Isn't it amazing how exciting fuzz and warm a piece of art can make you feel?

  12. Oh Baby! So whimsical and pretty. Makes me wish I had more walls. Or that my apartment wasn't "done." Luckily I'm bound to make changes next year ;)

  13. that painting is going to look amazing no matter where you put it. jenny. is. awesome.

    as are artists in general. but i'm biased :)

  14. Oh...Christine, this was a major score. I LOVE IT. The colors are just pretty, I think this is something that will look beautiful no matter where you put it, love it resting on your mantle. Welcome Maxine to the family!

  15. OMG - She KILLED it! Maxine is beyond gorgeous, and fits perfectly with your beeYOOT house!

    She's doing a commission for my client's nursery, and I'm on deck! Can't wait to see what she comes up with!!!

  16. Oh its marvelous! So perfect. I'm saving my pennies.

  17. Well that's my favorite piece of Jenny's that I've seen so far - beyond gorgeous!!! Yay for talented and nice artists too.

  18. That's so beautiful! I love the colors!

  19. Oh sheesh that's gorgeous. The best part about it- it's so YOU. I mean, from all the things I've seen you love, this by far seems to sum it all up in one amazing piece of art.

  20. I am speachless!!! One of the most beautiful paintings I've seen in a long time. Jenny has some mad skills. LOVE IT!

  21. Oooh she's a beauty!
    Welcome home Maxine!!
    (I think you two will be very happy together!)

  22. Such a gorgeous piece of art! It looks fab on your mantel! xx

  23. Wow, Jenny is crazy talented!!! Love this piece, you must be so smitten! It's so YOU too, which makes it even more special. LOVE.
    Nancy xo

  24. Not only a fab artist, Jenny is so funny! I love reading her posts...cracks me up every time. The work is great, I can see why you're thrilled. Lucky you!
    Kim x

  25. So pretty, Christine! Didn't even notice the dead roses until you pointed them out! Happy Friday to you! xo

  26. Jenny dug deep for this one and she nailed you perfectly!!! Don't we all feel like experts on everyone.....but you can really learn a lot about someone reading their blog! It is a beautiful piece of art.

  27. WOW! This is my favorite Jenny painting yet, its pure perfection! She is such a talent that one, her humor and now this!

  28. It is gorgeous!!! She is super talented...and a girl you'd want to hang out with, too!

  29. You lucky girl! That picture is amazeballs to say the least!

  30. This painting is gorgeous! Great colours, simply beautiful. Have a great weekend!

  31. Yeah, Jenny turned out to be quite the artist. Very impressed. Trying to convince my husband we need one of her pieces.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo