Monday, October 17, 2011

Living Room Identity Crisis...New Things I Want

My living room is having a little identity crisis.

Remember when I told you how the kitchen had somehow managed to make everything else a little dull?
Well the living room suffered the most.

I've been staring at it for weeks now and have slowly been changing a few things and so far so good...the Chiang-Mai and La Fiorentina has been replaced with Schumacher's Shantung Silhouette and a pair of petal pink/grosgrain ribbon beauties that I'm keeping under wraps for now.

I also still want a pair of white/grey mink numbers...pillow gods are you listening?

The settee has been given these new pretties...

I have to thank CC DeuxVie for them...If you remember, I posted about their black and rust velvet ones before...the grey,white and chocolate velvets are new to their shop and I adore them!!

The leopard fur is also's since been moved somewhere else in the room though and might be my favourite cushion of all know me an leopard...just can't get enough.

Along with the pillow switcheroo, I've also made over a couple of pieces in the room.
I transformed the back of chinoiserie Craigslist find from dark Hague Blue to...

soft pink...big surprise, I'm much more in love with it now.

So far so good...the room is definitely looking more in keeping with the kitchen but...there a few more items on my wish list that will really finish this space off and make it exactly how I want it.

For one, I need more metal/shimmer in there....and you know for me, that means gold.

My chandelier that was painted yellow has now been recreated again and although I like it, I really would love to eventually replace with some kind of show first choice is this Circa Lighting beauty...

She's pricey I'd happily take this one...

Or this one...

Or even this one...

she's like 1/4 the price of the first.

See...I'm SO budget conscious;)

I'm also debating adding a console behind the sofa with a pair of lamps on long time favourite table lamp is this beauty...

I've loved it for so long...a pair needs to come home with me one day.

Don't you think a matched set would look sublime on top of this...

She's out of my league sadly...looking for something just as glam but also cheapish...any ideas?

And lastly, I want to switch out my two rosewood chairs for this insanely perfect throne...

two of them please.

Now I just need to win the lottery...or perhaps someone out there could hire me to I don't know...decorate their house or something.

Or if Circa Lighting wants me to test out some of their products in exchange for giant Twitter blasts/numerous posts and great feedback, I'd so be in to that idea as well:)

Oh and PS, my 5 year old took this picture with my phone last night...

Impressive no?

And one more thing...I've just discovered a way to spray paint gold stuff and then have it actually look like real honest to goodness gold...first spray with whatever metallic spray paint is your personal favourite...then brush on some of this stuff over top (once the spray is dry of course)...

Trust me...the pictures aren't really doing it justice...perfect shade of gold.
And don't mind about the bubbling etc.
I did that on purpose...kind of love the way it looks.

Later skaters.




  1. Love the way everything is looking right now. So so so right up my alley. Gorgeous!

  2. I think I need to win the lottery too! Loving the changes you are thinking, it is going to be incredible!

  3. Love all of those lights, you know I am a light freak like yourself...but seriously loving the modern vibe of the Arteriors one, it has a bit of a twist that would be so fun in your go buy a ticket!!

    Remember, drop me a note if you want any of those lights. ;)

  4. Christine it's looking beautiful over there, as always. Love that piece in light pink. I'm about to switch out a light too. Oh and ps, but we have a Circa lighting here in Charleston, you should totally come visit ;)

  5. Oh I do enjoy seeing the updates!

    The blush background is perfection.

    As for the console- this one isn't a real antique, but the price is sure right and it made me think of you. (Alas its a wall mount.)

  6. Your home looks stunning, you are one stylish chic!

  7. My living room, dining room AND bedroom could definitely use an infusion of va-va-va-voom but I had to dit the budget breaks. Sadness.

    I'm drooling over the 3rd chandelier, that table lamp and the leopard cushion, they can come live with me anytime!

  8. Lovin the changes so far (although I loved your livingroom before!). I am definately with you on that side table and throne chairs. Oh, and if you ever tire of your settee, I'm sure it would happily make a trek west =)

  9. such pretty changes! care to divulge the source of the lamps you want?! gorgeous!

  10. oops! nevermind! all circa lighting. i'm a little slow this morning!

  11. Drooling over all your ideas! Your settee is purely divine. Good luck sprucing it up!

  12. LOVE the light pink.....totally gorgeous, love the soft romantic vibe going on with a little edge, well done!!

  13. I'm loving all the lighting options! I don't think you could go wrong with any of those. And great work on the mirror too - love the tip with the gold paint. Love a good DIY project! xxKelly

  14. Your home is always so lovely! I'm sure the changes you're making will be lovely as well! Can't wait for the kitchen reveal...anytime soon? Hint, hint...

  15. Oooh! I could definitely see all that coming together for you! ;) It's all lovely and girly and lush and yes, I do love it all.

    Much Love,

  16. Loving the light pink as well...and that craigslist cabinet is amazing !! All your lighting choices are so fabulous but really loving the first one (of course) !!


  17. I love your living room--you have such a way with color and texture. Elegant and sexy--all the lighting choices are fab!

  18. Totally in love with your new pale pink background, too - and can't believe it since I just went Hague!

  19. I understand the identity crisis and the whole budget thing - dang it!

    As for gold, have you tried rb'n'buff. Miracle stuff...I bought mine at an art supply store. Costs little and rubs on any surface with just the right patina. Comes in different types of gold finishes. Love that stuff.

  20. Good lord - I meant to type "rub 'n' buff" My typing skills are quite sad.

  21. Loving your living room! Looks so great, I have that same glass bubbly little votive in your child's fab photo!xx

  22. It's all gorgeous and that pink background in your cabinet - Luuuuuuuv!

    Thanks for the gold tip, will have to put that to use!!
    xo Elizabeth

  23. Where, oh where, is the divine Manuel Canovas cushion?

  24. The lottery win would be great! I am constantly dreaming of the things I can change! :) I love your ideas and the things you've changed lately! And your little one could be a future blogger in the making with the great photography! :)

  25. that leopard cushion!! Bet it's super soft too. Need more leopard in my life...

  26. super changes.

    and i have used those lamps in a client board before (she turned them down) bc they are so stunning.

    also that buffet thing you found on craigslist is amazing.

  27. Oh you smooth talker you! All you need say is that you have new pillows and you had me hooked! Add the gold and the blush pink and I am absolutely *DYING*! Seriously, whatever magazines are publishing your lovely abode need to hurry up and come *OUT* because I am still completely desperate to see the finished PKG!

  28. dear christine, please do all of these things so that i can live vicariously through you. yours, jealous

  29. Sista- gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. Loved it before, love it even more now. Which is hard to believe! Those lamps are calling my name too!

  30. Seriously can you do anything wrong??? It looks gorgeous! Love the new pillows. The leopard stole my heart :)


  31. I'm in love with your setee and cushions!

  32. I simply adore old and new pieces together :) the modern ghost chair and vintage seater.
    Take a look at my blog:)thanx

  33. all of your changes are gorgeous...I need to find links to those chandys!!!! I've been hunting forever for a new DR light!!

  34. Absolutely gorgeous!

  35. Love it! I know what you mean... I just finished my living room, and now it's making my kitchen look like the total armpit of my house. Ugh.

  36. Love that cabinet with the soft pink, so great!

  37. Just remember you're having fun . . . as you go nuts.

  38. Do you have a source list for your lighting? I love them all!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo