Thursday, September 22, 2011

May I Introduce the Artist Formerly Known and MFAMB

First up...I'm sorry I was MIA yesterday...the morning just totally got away from me and before I knew it, I was way too late to even throw something together...apologies.

To make up for it, I have something rather special to share with you...this little tidbit starts with a time rewind...let's go back a few weeks....and start with a some background info.

I mentioned a while back that my new kitchen is making my living room look like's not that I don't still love it...I do...BUT...there's just a few things that need to change....mostly I mean textiles...

I want to go from this....

to this...

I'm also thinking of changing out one piece of artwork and here's where it gets really interesting.

Right now, I have these over the fireplace...

And I ADORE them but again, I'm not sure they're perfect for the big picture so I'm keeping one and moving it somewhere else...the other will be sold...more on that soon;)

So...what to put in their place?

Well...back to the time relapse...August 29th was the date...I went here...

My Favorite and My Bestas I do every day because PS, it's an irreverant, hilarious bible of fabulosity.
Anyhoo...on that fateful day in the dog days of late summer I saw this...

And said to myself, holy shit...she/Jenny painted that?
It's sublime.
So I left a comment and told her so...

'Seriously...the painting is fucking fantastic...If you decide to paint a big one in pale pink, grey, cream with some gold as well...I'll buy it from you and plunk it on top of my fireplace for the world to see...for realz.'

A few hours later (lucky blissballoons for me) I got an email from Jenny herself saying that if I was really interested, she'd love to do a custom piece for me...and then I went a little nutcrackers and started dancing around the room...OK not quite but I got really excited.

I also compiled some inspiration shots and sent her photos of these two paintings...

{word up Sally King Benedict and Dale Frank ...thank you for giving me such divine pieces of artwork to send Jenny}

After that, we exchanged a few logistical emails and Jenny got to work converting a 30x40 canvas into something that I promise you, is nothing short of a masterpiece.
And while she was doing that, I continued to read her blog everyday and watched the beginnings of a real art career take form...

I'm quite positive that one day I'll be able to say...'I have an original Jenny of her first works' ...and I'll be so cool for purchasing it before she got ginormous...I'll laugh when I see a JA 9x12 print  auctioned off for a zillion dineros...I'll pat myself on the back and give high fives to my own'll see.

I'm not going to show you my painting's en route as we speak.
I will, however, give you a little peek...

Well not exactly a glimpse but this Alexander Wang doodle shirt reminds me VERY much of my new 
Jenny Andrew's original.

Oh and don't fret, Jenny is promising to open an Etsy shop can buy one of your very own...see...always looking out for you I am;)
She's also posting about her take on my commission today so make sure you pop by MFAMB ...quite sure it will be a fantastic read...after all...when else do you get to hear about the artist's process first hand?
I'm only good and sharing the buyer's side of things here on B&B...I've got that profession nailed down to a art form all of it's own- ha!

Happy Thursday all...I have literally 12 hours of work to do today...not telling you about that yet but soon...promise, cross my heart.




  1. I love the new art work! But I also am a fan of the old art work! Cannot wait to see the reveal!

  2. Oh, I can't wait to see the finished product. Love all the inspiration for your living room. xo

  3. So exciting! Can't wait to see it..i really want one of her pieces too...

  4. Can't wait to see it!! xo

  5. LOVVVVVEEE the new inspiration!!!
    just love it!
    Lilac and Grey

  6. What an incredible purchase. I am in total awe of Jenny's work!!! I've been trying to figure out where I can put one of her pieces! Totally in love

  7. i loe your art work its gorgeous & your inspiration images are so pretty love the soft pink against those lush animal print cushions i cant wait to see it completed.
    I am hosting a give away over on my page pop on over & visit me

  8. OMG these are amazing! I am sure it is going to be just INSANE. I can't wait to see how they turn out! So exciting, your art collection is incredible and getting better by the minute.

    Speaking of, I've been swamped on the art front and missing blog world (and people like you! How is your Kitchen?!?) I've recently been taken on by a gallery on Abbot Kinney in Los Angeles, and will be the next featured artist at Whole Foods in Santa Monica!

    Jessica Rae Sommer

  9. Can't wait to see what she comes up with! I'm sure it will be perfect - love the colours.

  10. I have been totally blown away by Jenny's work! Can't wait to see your living room and kitchen come together!

  11. You are full of surprises lately. Will be fun to hear about this one too! Have a great day.

  12. Can't wait to see what Jenny comes up with. Who did your old artwork though - I really love it! Sorry if you've provided this info before - just finding your blog.

  13. Anonymous...they are hand painted wallpaper panels by Nama Rococo...I'll be selling one in a few weeks if you are interested:)

  14. How exciting! The art is looking to be perfect for you. I also like the direction you are taking with your living room. LOVE the old one, but this really feels more "You"

  15. ohhh, can't wait to see the painting and the big reveal! Love her work. :)

  16. I'm sure it will be gorgeous. I can't wait to see what you come up with.

  17. My is jaw dropping over Jenny's artwork! Talk about TALENT!!! Can't wait to see your piece. Can't wait to see her etsy shop!

  18. Wow. Wow wow wow. Who knew Jenny was such a talented artist!

  19. So excited for you...can't wait to see the real thing! Jenny is very talented.

  20. You can't be serious.

  21. Amazing - her stuff is fantabulous. I await with baited breath...

  22. This is soooo exciting! Gorgeous art (I can't wait to see her shop) and the inspiration items look amazing together. So happy to see that "LOVE" card is part of the mix! ;)

  23. I just came across the JA post today about this as well ~ excited to see the final product prominently displayed in your home!

  24. A beautiful piece of inspiration created just for you? Does it get better? NO! Thats awesome, this will be a fun room to watch the progress on....

  25. I can definitely see her work blowing up as it is really beautiful. I can also see her piece, especially in gold, pink, cream, and gray blending in perfectly with your style!

  26. LOVE the inspiration for your living room, and cannot wait to see this painting - its going to be amazing!

  27. Those paintings are divine. I'm joining you in line for one!

  28. yes, pink, gold grey and cream are much more you, hon! How cool that you've got a custom piece coming? Glad to see the bits of leopard in the plan, a girl can never have enough leopard :)

  29. I can't wait to see the new piece! Jenny's work is amazing, I love her use of color.

  30. Your Jenny Andrews' artwork is so fabulous ♥

  31. This is going to be quite the collaboration for sure......I am excited to see how she interprets your thoughts. I think Jenny is about to burst on the scene like pot in the 60"s......excited for her.

  32. I am so loving the palace with pink and glam that you are busy creating! Jenny is, as always, incredible and amazing and I can't wait to see what magic she worked for you...Have a great weekend and don't work too hard, it's hazardous to your health! The antidote is vacation and chocolate (c:

  33. You my dear always have 1st dibs on the most wonderful things!!

    Congrats on your commissioned painting,I can't wait to see how it turns out! X

  34. I'm so glad she is going for it - her first few art pieces are amazing. I'm so excited to see what she creates for your living room.

  35. My goodness I am so excited to see this piece!!! Love the inspirations. I also LOVE how supportive you are to artists Christine, you are the BEST!
    Nancy xo

  36. Wow - so exciting! I was led to the post via Pinterest :) Obsessed with the first piece she made....can't wait for that Etsy shop! xxKelly


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo