Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday Fancies...Red is Hot

Just in case you didn't already know is h.o.t  for fall.

Now even though I named my child Scarlett (which duh means red,) I don't actually love red...her name came about for many other reasons and I had no way of knowing she was going to have red hair when we named her...she was given that moniker while still residing comfortably in utero...and she was bald until she was two.  As a matter of fact, if I had known she was going to have red hair, I probably wouldn't have named her Scarlett...though I do think it suits her to a T...she's a firecracker to be sure.

Sorry for the tangent...I get asked that question at least once a day and let's just say I am over it.

Anyhoo...back to the topic at is the colour of the moment I'm told.

Pinned Image

And I will's one sexy hue.

{via here and here}

Though I'm not ready to splash it all over my house and will ALWAYS prefer it's softer cousin pink, I do enjoy me some red in the wardrobe/accessory department...

So what about your...are you going to add some of the this fiery hue to your fall wardrobe?

Make sure you click HERE to see this weeks other fall inspired fancies.

Oh and while I have you, I have to share something I came across yesterday....if you're in the mood for some serious mommy guilt/you're a gluten for punishment, click here to see a 'little' project Angela of The Painted House has been working on with her kids...and just so you know, my two littles were watching TV as I read her post yesteday ....mommy of the year right here.




  1. Now THAT I love! I love every single thing you pulled together....and red, YES! Love red.

  2. Ooo great outfit! Love that dress and booties!


  3. great inspiration! I just picked up an amazing red lipstick from Nars--can't wait to give it a try! Have a great weekend!

  4. Loved the "tangent" on the background of Scarlett's name :) And I love red. Especially smeared on lips.

  5. Ooo isn't this a bit of lovely. Adore the outfit you've pulled together. I can only wear red if I'm feeling confident, but when I do I feel great!

    Haven't managed to find the right red for my lips, though.

  6. I'm with you, red has never been a color I am drawn to. I think it can appear cheapy more easily than other colors. But the examples you pulled together, and that outfit, are exceptionally gorgeous!

  7. i read this post and had to laugh because i just learned this week in my color theory class that when we see the color red our blood pressure actually rises! now that's hot! haha. thanks for all you do! xx

  8. Red is my all-time fave! I seriously adore it. Mostly in my wardrobe, but it does show up in my home (accessories, etc.) I have to admit, I'm often drawn to loud and tacky over soft and pretty. Oh well. That DVF dress is perfection, and there is nothing better than the perfect red lip!

  9. Hot hot hot! I wanted so bad to name our last baby Scarlett but alas she turned out to be a he...some how that doesn't work for the male gender???

  10. Gorgeous photo round up. I love red too, but in small doses like accessories and lipstick! That first photo is what I imagine Scarlett will look like when she's older. :) How funny that she ended up with red hair!

  11. I am seriously drawn to red at the moment and I've never been fond of pink. Oh your daughter's name is fantastic !

  12. Well, as you know, I am injecting some red rain boots into the fall wardrobe! I am such a sucker for red, more in my home decor rather than in my clothes.

    I have to check out the post you linked to as well!

    Have a fab weekend. Tomorrow is our big meet-up sponsored by Ikea - yay!

  13. I absolutely love red but hardly have any of it in my wardrobe...why is that??? Especially when DVF has HOTT dresses like that one!

    P.S. I think everyone gets a frequent question about their children that they dislike...mine is "Did you curl her hair like that???" Followed by advice on how to deal with naturally curly hair *sigh* (c:

  14. I am pretty crazy about red in my wardrobe...except, I need to get through this pregnancy so I can whiten my teeth again...just sayin'

  15. I love red lips, but I don't own any red clothing!! Great post!!

  16. Growing up in Dallas, TX, I loved RED! Couldn't get enough of it. Then, I moved to the Northeast. Now, not so much. Though I have a rocking red raincoat that I need to put into it's already in style!

    Love how things come and go b/c eventually, everything comes back in style.

    Have a fabulous weekend!
    xo Elizabeth

  17. Each ismage is more beautiful than the next! Have a great weekend!!

  18. Thank you, Christine! I just now saw this since I'm on the road. Awww, no mommy guilt intended! :) The project was loads of fun. I hope you check back next week when I post my daughter's town. It has more pink!! :)

    And the post at hand--I don't think there is another color that can divide people more than red. I love/hate it. I love it in fruit and shoes and riding hoods, ha.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  19. Wow, your inspiration leading up to your outfit are stunning. And I think your little girl is adorable and I love her name too! Red is a fabulous color and I love wearing "pops" of it and on occassion I will wear a sexy red dress. However, my red shoes do make a statement. Anyhow, your outfit make a definite statement and the accessories are sassy choices. You give the look a fabulous edge that I love. Now, if only we could have the Fashion Fairy magically add it to my closet. :)

  20. We love your blog is wonderful and we are always here giving all the news, we are following you.
    Super Glorinha kisses.

  21. yay! so happy to have you for Friday's Fancies :) I love love love red for fall...and I've definitely been incorporating it into my wardrobe {my favorite piece are the fun J.Crew Minnies in vibrant flame!}. I loved your little tangent about Scarlett...and I loved your outfit, as always! happy weekend! xoxo {av}

  22. I have turned my passion for red in the home for a passion for red fashion. Who knew? L.O.V.E this post!!


  23. I too prefer red's softer cousin pink. However, I do wear red from time to time. I love the look you put together this week.

    Hope you're having a fabulous weekend,

  24. I LOVE the red color, it´s so timeless, chic and sexy! Those pictures are just beautiful, and that outfit you put together...I mean, how fabulous are those booties? I´m in love!

    xx Ivana
    Style in the City

    Be sure to enter my giveaway to win an amazing scrapbook software :)

  25. I do love red..but I always feel like funny when I wear it! It was better when I was younger :) No more red lipstick for me....don't want to look like Joan Crawford in Baby Jane!!!

  26. Love to wear it, don't like it in my home. It's a power color, and it tells everyone else what to do :) Great for meeting where negotiations occur, but I'd never wear it to a clients home, too aggressive ;) Heading over to read that post...x


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo