Monday, September 12, 2011

Christie Antique Show

I finally made it to the be all and end all antique shows...the Christie Antique Fair!!
Yes, together with my lovely friend Sarah (who whispers is right now as we speak taping another segment for CityLine...PS...she's going to be my famous friend who I'll say I knew when,) and a slew of three kids (two or hers and one of mine) I hit the ground running and LOVED every second of it.  
Just imagine aisles and aisles of antique pretty...not the junky kind that you skim past in a moment, but the reeeeallly good kind...crystal, gold, mirrors, furniture...heaven! 
Oh and PS, the whole field was licensed...drinking wine while meandering through civilized.

Like any great hunt, I missed out on a few goodies...mostly because I was attempting to spend as little as possible..hubs wasn't with me and I think divorce might have been imminent if I showed up with furniture etc...and PS, let's just say he might have a point/I have a small developing hoarding issue...especially with mirrors and chairs...I digress.

Anyhoo...I felt good about leaving most of the bit ticket items behind...just didn't have the will to fight or convince myself that large sums of money was worth it at that point.
So...I had to say goodbye to pretties like these...

Yes they're a bit over the top but holy shit...they're also sublime.

I also missed out on this and not because I was being fiscally responsible...I would have contemplated splitsville with noted other half for this beauty...

sadly some other heinously greedy person who I hate, got there first.


Not giving up, I trudged on.

The red head hugged some bears...

and Mommy/I bought this...

it's silk...I paid $15...ha!!!!

And then I bought these...

and yes, that is a peak of my kitchen counters:)

But I can't decide if I like them there or on the fireplace better...

I negotiated those puppies down from $150 to $80....hooray me.

And lastly, I also got this....

I know a pink bird isn't exactly everyone's cup of tea but let's face it...she sure as hell is mine:)

So there you have Christie goodies...I think it's fair to say, I will definitely be back in the kitchen fiscal correction will be over by then so yah...good times!!!

Oh and I know I linked over on Friday but my Fan Bing Bing post over at the very fabulous The Now is now up so make sure you pop over and have a look at the little room pretty I put together...a giant thanks to A&E for having me- hearts and kisses ladies!!



  1. How rude of that person to snag that wheat table before you?! I would be a tad upset as well, and for them to leave it there so you had to walk by and admire sad. ;)

    Love your additions and I vote for the fireplace placement.

  2. I vote for fireplace...they are a bit too chubb-chubbs for the counter, no?

    I am looking forward to when I can get to the auction...seeing that you made it around with that many kids, you give me hope!! (We will only have two kids next year, and one will be tiny)

    three cheers for old stuff and pink birds!

  3. Great finds lady! I wish I could've gone, but I guess I'll have to wait until the spring. Hopefully I can make it! I've missed the last three for one reason or another.

    I'm also voting for the fireplace! :)

  4. Holy Amazing finds! I would have died and gone to heaven!

  5. Loving all of this gorgeousness. You got seriously lucky! That rug is perfectionnnn in your PKG.

  6. Looks fabulous. I would love to go antique shopping with you, you find the best stuff!

  7. I am so jealous! I used to drive down to Christie from Muskoka to arrive by 8am! (crazy I know!)
    I love your finds and the bird is fab :) sexy counters btw

  8. What a score on that rug! Well done!

  9. So many gorgeous things !! Love the rug and the pink bird! I got a wheat sheaf table a few weeks ago at a local antique and I am in love !! Sorry someone got to it first :(


  10. Those prints are MAGICAL! I loooove them! I will dream about those chairs forever.

  11. So much eye candy! I love each and every piece you bought, so perfect for your home. My vote is for the jars on the mantle.

  12. How the heck did I miss seeing that bear?! So much pretty - glad the hunt was a success (and you and Sarah and the kids survived intact)! I vote for the countertop, much less to compete with the jars.

  13. All I can say is...Red is freaking adorable and I want to steal her outfit and make it grown up sized. Seriously, she's so cute.

    LOVE that rug! And even better when you get it for such a steal!

  14. great finds! love seeing a little peak of the kitchen. hoping the reveal is soon!

  15. So divine!! Love everything you snagged and peeing my pants over the sheaf of wheat table. le sigh.

  16. Thanks for all the pics - I am trying to live vicariously through my blogger friends since I couldn't make it to Christie. I love the pink bird! You did good!

  17. OMG. Seriously? $15 for that rug? I might just turn stalker on you and rob your house for it. I'm totally in love with rugs like that. And you took it for $15. Jeeezus. I'm insanely jealous.

    Much Love,

  18. That looks like an awesome antique show! We have a fancy one like that here in TX called Round Top. Loads of nice (expensive) things. Love the stuff you got, especially the rug!

  19. hold the phooooooooone....
    the new goodie is going to look SO awesome with those cachepots!!!!! in fact they will pop so much more against the NEW goodie rather than the existing ones.
    if ya know what i'm sayin...

    and can i just say that i have been looking for 2 pink birds JUST like that for quite some time for my bedroom mantel?
    super jealous.

  20. I feel like I might need a cigarette after all that eye candy pleasure...I'm still gaga over those are so right, they are SUBLIME. I can't even imagine the chaos that would ensue if I was ever allowed out to such a goody-fest...divorce would definitely be immenent...but damn it, I would have some awesome shiz to show for it (c:

  21. how did you contain yourself, those beautiful pink chairs would of had me swoooooning. Oh and the pink bird, I LOVE her. Honestly, great finds they would make me smile every time I looked at them!

  22. I love the pink parrot! It is my favorite...although I'm also flabbergasted at the silk rug you got for $15!

    Nicely done. I really do have to make it to the Christie Antique Fair some day.


  23. I cannot believe I missed this!! I must have been living under a rock.

    I love all of your finds. You have an amazing eye. Also, your counters just made my heart stop

  24. That $15 silk rug is such a bargain! And the pattern and colour and completely beautiful - I am just a little envious right now ;)

    And I am really digging the artwork you scored - it's gorgeous! Very unique. Also I too vote for the floral jars to be on the fireplace :)

    That antique fair looks like way too much fun and I too believe my partner would have left me if I was allowed to run rampart in it! Those wingback chairs are BEAUTIFUL!!

  25. I was at the show and I think I remember seeing those jars. They look amazing next to those remarkable prints(?) on the mantle. You have GREAT taste!

  26. Great eye!! Love all your new items, great colorways.

  27. Yes, my heart would break over the wheat table too, it's to die for!!! Your finds are pretty amazing, and way to go on the bargaining skills girl!! I wish I coulda gone with you :(

    PS. Red = CRAZY cute. Counters = I'm dying over here :)

    Nancy xo

  28. Looks like you got some great finds!! I am so excited for you!! I love antique fairs I go to one in the area every first Sunday of the month!!

  29. Holy Amazingness! I bet this was awesome and I am so impressed with your self-restraint! So excited for you--I am sure it was so much fun!

  30. I love all of your finds, they are all gorgeous, even the pink Galah! That coffee table would have been amazing too - I feel your pain on losing out on that one xx

  31. WOW, gorgeous finds, all of them. And your daughter is the cutest!

  32. Not only thank you for the amazing thrifty finds, but thank you for the potty mouth. I mean that as sincerely as possible! My parents click their tongues at me if I drop bad words on my blog. But, I have the mouth of a sailor ...

  33. I hope you put up a fight for that table. Although all of your other finds are pretty gorgeous as well. Pink ceramic animals? Definitely my cup of tea... unfortunately, not the Boy's. One day I'll have a girl cave full of them with a giant pink velvet couch!

  34. Amazing finds! Obsessed with the chairs.

    How did I not know about this show :(

  35. i am dying over those two pink chairs. I NEED THEM! not really, but i do love them a lot. oh, and your kitchen? someone needs to publish that ASAP because i am definitely dying to see it.

  36. Hokay...the rug and those vases [not that I don't like Mr. Parrot].....kill me dead right now. Serious envy.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo