Monday, August 22, 2011

Project Kitchen Gorgeous - It's Almost Done!!!!

Goodmorning lovebugs.
I'm waking up in my own bed this morning after being away for two weeks and what's better, I'm waking up to an almost completed/glorious kitchen downstairs.

I walked in yesterday to see the marble done and the place styled to within an inch of it's jaw dropped, I stood paralyzed and I just stared at the beauty...for like 30 minutes...then I had to yank myself away and head to the doctor...turns out I have the mac daddy of ear infections, which is PS, the most painful shitballs experience (aside for childbirth) I've ever experienced...imagine this kind of thing....

{via here}

only instead of stabbing your foot, it's your inner not's given me a new appreciation for when my kids are going through the same and the next time a doctor tells me that they can fight it off on their own, I might punch them in the face...this shit feels like hot pokers...I'm like the biggest no antibiotics ring leader ever but I think I'm putting ear infections in a separate category...there are times when you just NEED drugs and this my friends is one of them!! 

Anyhoo...the point of that banter...the only thing on god's green earth that could pull me away from my new divine kitchen at that point was world war three in my ear...after arriving back home (and that was apres a 3 hour walk-in clinic stint) I continued to stare and obsess over every inch of it.
I think I took 152 pictures...or so.
And let me just say, it's pretty...really really pretty.
Meredith is a styling genius and managed to arrange my little trinkets in a way that perfectly reflects me...

And on top of the zhush pretty, is the bones of the place...I seriously die a little death everytime I see the marble, the antique mirror, the's all just so feminine and lovely.

Sadly, we aren't able to post the final reveal just case I haven't spelled it out, we're really hoping to have this kitchen glory published, which means photos have to be kept to a minimum at this point.
I know you've all been waiting and I feel like a total....

{via here}

for not being able to share but so it is...

All I can say is that if you live anywhere close to door is open...a few tweeter peeps last night came up with the brilliant idea of a house tour party....I'd LOVE to be your #PKG...

{via here}

with no food and clear booze...marble considerations of course- don't you find it hilarious that I have a kitchen that I'm considering banning food from- ha!

Any takers?

Oh and make sure you check out Sashay today...Meredith has also posted a few little peeks at the pretty.




  1. I will line up to be a #PKG tourist next time I'm in TO

  2. When we first moved into our new home I was SO worried about the white marble counters & backsplash, but honestly, it is not as bad as I thought. My biggest tip is keep citrus far far away, I had a lime etch its shape into a sample I had...better the sample then my counters!

    So excited to for you to love a place so much...can't wait to see more!!

  3. It's absolutely stunning. Meredith did such an incredible job of styling that I'm feeling so inspired!

    Really hope your ear feels better soon honey.

  4. Looking gorgeous from these little peeks... and so sorry about your ear infection. That is awful (understatement haha)

    But I would clearly be up for a PKG tour in person! ;) Are munchkins allowed?

  5. So sorry to hear about the ear infection! Hope that clears up fast.

    Hmm, #PKG house tour? Now that would be worth heading out west for! I'm in.

  6. Lovely! And you know I'm in for #boozynostainpkgtour! Just don't schedule it when I'm away next week! :)

  7. I'm sure it's FABULOUS!! I saw on twitter that you might have a bite :-))). Can''t wait to see more!!

  8. It is just so freaking perfectly gorgeous!

  9. these little teaser pictures look great so far! Can't wait to see the final reveal.

  10. I want to come! It looks amazing, I can't wait till the big reveal. Also, you are going to have to let me know how your marble countertops go. It is on my list of must haves in my dream home, although I am a little nervous about the staining.

  11. Seriously, infections are nothing to mess around with...and *SO* painful! I hope you are feeling better very soon, then you will be 100% to enjoy your new gorgeous kitchen! And don't worry, I'm only crying a little bit that we don't get pictures (c:

  12. so so gorgeous! love the prints and china and and.. can't wait to see it all done! feel better, doll!

  13. Beautiful!! I can't wait to see the finished kitchen...I hope it gets published soon :)

  14. I am so sorry about your ear, it sounds really terrible. I am so excited about your kitchen and it's fabulous debut. I look forward to the official reveal! Take care:)

    BTW, thank you a million for voting for my chair!

    Amy R.

  15. Hope you are feeling better! And, I can't wait to see your kitchen!! Janell

  16. You terrible tease! Though I am crossing my fingers and toes for you guys that this gets published.

    Looking like absolute heaven from what I can tell. Though I am so anxious to see shots of antique mirror and lighting!

  17. Sorry to hear about your ear. Hope it's better soon. Dying to see the kitchen, but completely understand if it's getting published!!! So exciting!

  18. So excited to see !! Sounds gorgeous. Hope you feel better !


  19. Fingers crossed for you to get the space published...but mostly b/c I'm selfish and reeeally wanna see it!!!

    Hope you feel better soon! Take it easy today...

  20. Well I now have another reason to hop a flight! I am dying to see it! Meredith is fabulous...

  21. the sneak peeks look gorgeous! I can't wait to see the rest! And I hope you get well soon sweetie!

  22. Wow! I can't wait to see the rest - it sounds unbelievable and totally you!! Hope your ear gets better real soon!!

  23. OMG your peaks are so killing me!!! I might have to hop on a plane to TO stat!!! Can't wait to see it all. Crossing my fingers it gets published super soon! :)

    Oh and feel better, sweets. Sounds absolutely horrific! xoxo

  24. What a tease!! I can't wait to see the final product, the styling photos looks so amazing!

    Hope you and your ear get better soon!

  25. Hope your ear infection clears up soon. Love these photos and can't wait to see it in its entirety. A tour sounds great!

  26. you're killing me, you know that right? i'm dying over here!

  27. If by October you haven't revealed kitchen pics I'm going to knock on your door ok? JK From the pics you can tell is pretty, romantic and glamorous ;)

  28. Oh, feel better, Christine. I am prone to ear infections so I know how miserable they are. Love your photos. Can't wait to see the kitchen fully done!! xo

  29. DYING to see what is surely the most fabulous of kitchens! I live three hours from Toronto and can think of no better reason to make the trip than to see that beaut in person!

  30. Can't wait to see it Christine! The sneak peeks look amazing and I adore all of the styling! xx

  31. oooh I can't wait to see it! Sorry ot hear about your crazy ear pain...hope the drugs have kicked in!

  32. Hoping it gets published REALLY soon so we can see all the juicy bits, hon! So glad you're happy with it.

  33. I feel like I have been so busy I have miss everything! I am so sorry about your ears...OUCH! But the little snippets of PKG are just lovely! I may just buy a ticket to come hubby has been talking about a trip there so maybe I can get him to do it soon rather than later, love ya doll!

  34. Such lovelies! Enjoy the wonderful day, Kellie xx

  35. you are so funny! but, i will say- your styling is looking great! i can not WAIT to see what you come up with. can't wait to see your pretty place in all it's glossy glory!

  36. You are such a tease! Hope you are on the mend soon, so we can see the kitchen in all its glory!

  37. Ah, I am so excited for you!! I've been following the #PKG updates on Twitter- hoping that we all get to see this beautiful room soon! Maybe it will grace the pages of my next House Beautiful... : )

  38. I love that first chandelier! Congrats on the remodel! So exciting! Great pieces.

  39. Sorry about the ear infection, they can me a killer.

    As for #PKG, not impressed that we have to wait. But I did see some tweeting going on with a particular magazine editor and that would be freaking awesome for you! {No, I am not stalking you.....}

  40. Ugh! IT LOOKS AMAZING. Even if they are just limited views. I wish I was close enough to come and visit!

  41. I cannot wait to see the final project! It is going to b so beautiful :)
    Golden White Décor

  42. Oh my goodness, how I wish that I lived on your side of the country!! I can't wait to flip through a magazine and see it, it's going to happen SOON!!!
    Nancy xo

  43. I soooo want to see your kitchen! Can't wait. It sounds amazing.

  44. Shit...I am not sure I can wait after all this time and buildup. Let me check flights......


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo