Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Fabrics - A Lux for Less Find etc.

I was doing some blog reading the other day and happened upon one of my favourite reads, Kelly Market.
She did a post called Fabrics for Less and one of her pics literally gave me a brief heart attack.

Remember this....

aka the little design I put together for my daughter's big girl room.
Well the plan has kind of changed for two I've decided she needs a red upholstered bed with pink piping, which means the green sofa is likely out...and two, that wallpaper would cost more than my new kitchen so let's just say it's a no go.
I've been searching endlessly for an alternative with zero luck...which brings me back to that post I mentioned.


And the best rings in at a whopping $8/yard...which means the whole room could be plastered in the stuff for less than $500...thank you Jesus.
So what do you think?
Would you ever cover walls in fabric?
Has anyone tried it out there?

In other news, my kitchen backsplash of sorts went in yesterday and let me just say, it's heavenly...amazing how much more finished a kitchen looks once there's some stone/tile/something on the walls.
My last kitchen had zip zero in this of the reasons I wanted a new one.
So now we're just waiting on appliances and a few finishing touches...hooray!!!!

Oh and it's Friday...thank god...sooooo ready for the day yesterday (aside from seeing the wonderlust back splash go in) can be summed up with this...

{photos via here}

The husband didn't get home until after the kids were in bed and PS, we were stuck in the house almost the entire day and my son had a 2 hour epic meltdown...oh and no nap...oh and the same son managed to start my day by peeing on every square inch of my bedroom floor...oh and the one outing we had was when I walked the kids over to the liquor store across the street so I could buy some of that pretty stuff I was talking about yesterday....see...

too bad I ran into all my daughter's teachers while on my way out (they were in a car on their way to lunch...don't worry...the teachers weren't in the booze store mid-day) ...with three bottles in my stroller...good times my friends, good times.

{ response to some comments I need to explain a few little neighbourhood plaza is a 5 minute walk from my house and in that plaza is a very high end/mecca LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario.) Liquor isn't sold here in corner stores/independent shops etc...instead we have one chain of government run stores...and the one around the bend from me is a flagship...they have a wine tasting bar, chef prepared food matchings etc.'s actually kind of glorious and I'm pleased as punch that it's so close.
In addition to the LCBO this amazeballs plaza also has a Whole daughter's pre-school/kdg is two blocks away so the teachers were heading there for lunch...hence why running into them while at the liquor store wasn't so crazy afterall:}



  1. I'd say go for the fabric on the walls! It can totally be done and I think it will look great!

    Have a great weekend my dear! I hope it all goes better than yesterday!! xx

  2. Ha, meltdowns. Lilly's sleep has been getting cut short thanks to a very loud bus that come morning and afternoon, grrrr.
    And that wallpaper- WOOHOO! Love my lady. And you know I love pink and red :)

  3. I think I have seen that you can make fabric into wallpaper if that is an option.

  4. first off, what were the teachers doing in the liquor store?!?!

    I think the fabric is divine and would look amazing. I'm kind of hooked on grograin ribbon trimming out walls with fabric you know the look I'm referencing? It's early, I haven't finished a single cup of coffee yet, so my thought process is foggy.

  5. K I think your idea of coating the walls with that glorious fabric is AMAZ! I'm not sure that I've seen it done, but with your sources, you'll have this done by next week! And I'm not sure that I've ever seen such a pretty collection of booze! LOVE it! xo

  6. oh no! that sounds like a stressful day, but yay for pretty booze bottles. and i think the fabric walls would be amazing!

  7. LOL, that sounds like a killer booze run!! Love the Bombay blue in the kitchen, so fun!

    Never covered walls in fabric, paper yes. Helpful tip, papers in England are WAY cheaper, like 50 -70% less & they ship to Canada! Let me know if you what the links for the places I order from. xx

    BTW, waiting for the pic of the BS...patiently.

  8. SO beautiful! I can't wait to see the room!

  9. We've upholstered walls in fabric. Usually a little padding is involved behind them and it creates this soft gorgeous environment. I say go for it!

  10. That fabric is absolutely gorgeous! Just go for it! Looking forward to see your daughter's room.

    P/S: By the way, I am hosting a giveaway. Come by and enter for a chance to win a personalized jewelry!


  11. Wait...hahahah can we please talk about the hilarious picture with the girl and the bird on her head! Amazing!! I want that to be my screen saver!

  12. Haha! Oh my--that is hilarious. That is some pretty booze though. And, I would say yes to fabric on the walls. Love it!

  13. Haha that is so something that would happen to me. Getting busted on the way out of the liquor store. Speaking of, those are the most crowded stores in Manhattan right now. Food stores aren't so bad but it looks like everyone is preparing for Irene by loading up on booze! :)

    Have a good weekend, sweetie! xoxo

  14. Man, Scarlett is so lucky she has a fab momma like you to put together such an amazing room!! Hope your day today was better...and that that earache is going away finally! Have a great weekend xoxo

  15. And this is why you're my blogging BFF. Love all of this. Cannot wait to see Red's room plastered in that insane gorgeousness!!

  16. ha! love the description of the liquor store outing. You can definitely do fabric on walls - I saw a DIY on cityline once and I'm sure they would still have the info up online...check it out (it was Kimberley Seldon). Your ray of hope (aka your kitchen) sounds like it is coming along...can'twait for more.

  17. I've done fabric on walls before and am going to be doing it again on my current project. It looks spectacular. The fabric you chose is stunning. Go for it!

  18. Christine - I'm so glad you found the fabric and it sounds perfect for your scheme! I absolutely love the combo of pink, red, light blue, and green - especially with a dash of animal print : ) xo Kelly

  19. Did you say you live across the street from a liquor store? :)

  20. What are the odds that you meet their teachers while you have three bottles of booze in the stroller? do live across from the liquor store, soooo....maybe odds are higher than we think? ;)

  21. This post is why I love you! You are so real and hilarious! Perfect location to have the mothership of all liquor stores! There is nothing like have a bottle of pretty liquor. My husband doesn't get it, when we were in Paris a few years back, I insisted on this bottle of raspberry liquer, the bottle was divine and the stuff inside equally so, yum! Hope you had a great evening after that day of yours.
    Heavenly backsplash? We are truly dying here with no pics. have my email darling :)

    Have a great weekend!

  22. Love the fabric...would definitely cover an entire room.

  23. Your board for Red's room is gorgeous, but red/ pink is one of my favorite combos and would definitely be insanely awesome for a bed. Your LCBO sounds pretty snazzy and much better than my corner store.. Happy weekend Christine!

  24. I LOVED THIS POST. You are so funny. Now that my youngest left for college (you will know what I mean someday)...I can display pretty booze again.

  25. Sure (whatever you say!) ; )
    I know that plaza - I visit it often every time we're in Oakville (hubby works for Tim's head office). I've always loved your neighbourhood and used to walk through it often when we rented an apartment over a garage on Chartwell. :)
    And yes, definitely do the fabric on the walls!

  26. Fabric on the walls sounds like a fabulous idea; I love the gorgeous rooms you have showed here! Sorry to hear you had such a stressful day; it can only get better from here :) xx

  27. Girrrrrlllllll...I love the teacher and booze story. That always happens to me except I'm not buying booze but I look like an Amish woman with no makeup and a bad t shirt on.
    Fabric on the walls is a great idea and I have heard that you can use fabric sizing to keep it up....


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo