Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday Wallpaper- Lene Toni Kjeld

If you like bespoke wallpaper, than you will love this line of transitional paper by Lene Toni Kjeld. There are 4 individual patterns and 4 'hybrid' selections, which are made up of 2 patterns layered together.  The papers are meant to be combined in different ways to create individual patterns that are unique to each installation. 

Gorgeous stuff here folks. 

-the 4 individual patterns-

- the 4 hybrid patterns-

-some interior shots-

-the paper is printed in Denmark using a rotary press-

-and that's cool-

This amazing paper can be purchased in NA at Hermitage (US) and Ministry of the Interior (Canada). Speaking of the later, I was there on the weekend and I was like a kid in a candy store- amazing!!!



  1. wow, they are gorgeous! did u get anything?

  2. WOW! That is the most beautiful wallpaper I've ever seen!!

  3. That leaf wallpaper is amazing!

  4. Amazing! These would look incredible framed/paneled, don't you think?

  5. Danielle- not yet but eyeing their octupus light:)
    Belly- totally agree..framed panels would be amazing.
    Thanks for stopping by everyone xo

  6. I love wallpaper. These patterns are so cool and unexpected. Thanks for sharing:)

    Amy R.

  7. Lovely...

    The rose pattern is just so adorable:)

  8. Amazing how one blends into the other.

  9. Gorgeous! I have been meaning to make a trip to Ministry of the I have an even bigger reason!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo