Thursday, November 11, 2010

Simply Pretty {and don't forget to enter giveaway}

I just spotted this home over at Living Etc
 I love how it looks lived in but still beautiful. 
Each piece seems as though it was thoughtfully chosen and added over time.
Collected, not decorated.

And speaking of pretty, here's my little one downtown today apres audition.

And here's a little more big girl.  Isn't she gorgeous?  I can say that because we don't share DNA so I'm aloud to speak of her beautiousness.

Even more impressive then this though, is her talent.  The kid plays bass guitar like a rock star and can strum just about any song by ear- ridiculous.  And she get's straigh A's.  And, she can take a mean picture. 

I am a lucky lucky girl I tell you.
One more quick thing, look what arrived at my door just 24 hours after the order was placed. 

That's's my ostrich wallpaper by Beware the Moon.
And the best part, it's being installed tomorrow!!! I put an add out on Craigslist and found a guy with great references who will do it for under $150- brilliant.
Will post pictures of the wall all papered up and pretty tomorrow.

And finally, don't forget to click over and enter the giveaway for the chance to win a gorgeous print from Leigh Viner.  I ordered my Cricket, and can't wait for it to arrive.  Here's another peak at her work from an article featured in Style Simple Magazine.

And that my friends is all the pretty I have for one day.


  1. Well that was all lovely. The house is fabulous, so many gorgeous things in it - I could move right in. And your girls are gorgeous and so obviously talented too - should I be asking for an autograph of from your rock-star-in-the-making now?

  2. They are both gorgeous, and wow, that talent! Somehow I'm not surprised, with their mom (forget about DNA- I'm sure you're a role model.)
    Keep us posted about the wallpaper!

  3. Lots of things to comment on!

    That little leopard-print jacket and boots on your little girl is adorable!!

    And I'm so jealous of your other beauty's musical talent. My Dad is a musician, but, sadly, I didn't inherit any of it!

    And I'm so jealous of your wallpaper, you don't even know!

  4. I have been thinking of subscribing to Living Etc. and you just convinced me. You have a lovely family. I can't wait to see the wallpaper installed.

  5. I am in LOVE with your wallpaper! I can't wait to see it in! You have beautiful taste....and your daughter is beautiful as well, I want that fur coat for me :)

  6. your girls are gorgeous! that wallpaper is fantastic...

  7. Well, there was certainly a lot of goodness in this post!! Adorable girls and that leopard outfit is FABULOUS. I'm taking notes ;)

    I can't wait to see what you do with the wallpaper and that gorgeous print!!

  8. looks like you're raising a fashionista in the making :)

  9. lovely post and lovely paper!!! and your children are just adorable.

    Can't wait to see your paper up!

  10. Oh my, the pretty here is mind-boggling!
    I mean I was taken by the interiors but then I saw your girls and was captivated, and then the cherry on the cake -- the ostriches go up tomorrow!
    Oh Christine, you really do live la vie en rose ;)

  11. Great images! Your girls are beautiful =)i'm a new reader and follower of your blog so I thought I'd leave you a note and say hello.

  12. Lovely spaces! And your little kid is just fabulous with the animal prints! I think I know who she got that from! Enjoy the wonderful day, Kellie xx

  13. i like your version of pretty! have a great day!

  14. hi! there is lots of goodness in this post! love the living etc spread, these rooms are beautiful but not too perfect (which i love). your girls are incredibly lovely. you already know i LOVE the ostrich wallpaper & cannot wait to see it up!

  15. I was just looking at that very same home this morning in my magazine... LOVE! And that wallpaper.. LOVE and your little girly... LOVE.. she is too cute and you're big girl.. and gosh all of it!

  16. Love your little one's fierce leopard coat.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo