Thursday, November 11, 2010

Random and a Poppy

A collection of images in my picture files that don't really fit anywhere else.
Probably why I like them so much.

 this is just so yummy...I wish I was wearing a lace dress and white tights and it was my party

I love the styling and need to own those gold rock book ends

this is an add for John Robshaw textile and it's brilliant

light, antique marble fireplace, painted logs- no more needs to be said

this kelly green wallpaper literally makes me weep...add the vintage lamps, mirrored vanity, and lucite chair...dying

I am wild about the silhouettes and the ornate moulding just makes the whole scene a sight for sore eyes

Etsy headquarters- and here I thought it wasn't possible to love them any more than I already do

delicate, pretty and something about it feels like home to me

a hotel in Caracas- it's just such breathtaking architecture
(I inadvertently saved this without a source so if it is your picture, please let me know and I will credit)

 blogger Jane Aldridge (Sea of Shoes) in perhaps the best Halloween costume I have ever seen
(Baby Jane Hudson from 'What Happened to Baby Jane')

 um, it's a gold kitchen island for god sakes- ridiculous in the best possible way

my bedside table- I liked the vibrancy of the colours in this shot

this photograph by Ivo Mayr Oslo makes me chuckle every time I look at it

And on a seperate note....remembering my grampa today xoxo
Happy Remembrance/Veteran's Day

make sure you do as these two did and wear your poppy today

I hope this post wasn't too all over the place for you.  My 2 year old angel/monster boy was up most of the night so my thought process was/is a little scattered...then again, I always think in tangents so this isn't really anything out of the norm and it's sometimes fun to just post cool pictures.
In other news, the first step in kitchen renovation is happening today; the cabinets are being measured up so that a layout drawing can happen for next week- soooo excited!
And, daughter is off to a commercial audition this morning. Fingers crossed everyone xo

{images via 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14}



  1. I think the gold, rock bookends are screaming for a DIY version!
    Sorry for the rough night - I can totally relate, and best wishes for your daughter's audition!

    Thank you so very much for the sweet comment this morning. I was so nervous as I hit the "post" button, but you made me feel good about opening up. Best to you!!!

  2. they are all fun to look at, isn't that what blogging is about! great things to see...i love that costume, too! xo

  3. Great images. I'm going to "steal" a few myself.

  4. your nightstand was my favorite shot! would love to see the rest of the room! xo

  5. sometimes being random is perfect :)
    PS. fingers crossed for your daughter!
    <3 Cara
    Lilac and Grey

  6. Stunning images, Christine. I will be dreaming of those fabulous green vintage lamps - stunning!

  7. Lovely! Enjoyed those pics! Thanks for stopping by design blooms todays!!

  8. I love the random images! I've never seen the etsy HQ before, so nice! Good luck to your daughter today!

  9. That pic of granny on the wall is hilarious! What are you doing with your cabs? You were thinking of painting, or are you just getting it redone? Have a great day!


    check out this blog Christine. I remember you talking about Eddie once on your blog, and thought you'd be interested. I looooove this blog (Nesting Place) too.

  11. Love all of them and your bedside table - love your marble lamp.

  12. Beautiful!! I posted a ring you recently featured and a link to your lovely blog. Have a great day!

  13. Great pictures...I am getting all weepy over that green leaf wallpaper. Can I share a picture of your home on my blog?

    xx - CB

  14. nice collection of this and that -

  15. I died at your bedside table....swooning still:)


  16. Thanks for the comments everyone- so fun to read!
    MLHP- good call on the DIY!
    Things that Sparkle- my room is still very much a work in progress- will give a peak soon:)
    Andrea- thanks for the link- will check it out.
    Full House- of course and thanks!

  17. Love it all, your side table pic is just lovely!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo