Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Interrupting Regular Scheduled Programming...

for this- my bijou room can wait until later.

{all images by Peter Murdock via Interior Design}

I was just enjoying some magazine surfing while my son was eating his 'pjutter samich' (notice a trend here- basically all I can ever get to eat but I digress:) and came across this home.  I don't think any commentary I give will give the house it's just desserts but let me just say a few things.  Firstly, the gold settee, floral cushions and giant black and white art totally makes me cry in delight.  The library with rich wood bookshelves, crystal chandelier and Platner chair is such a perfect mix of crisp modern and decadent glam; I actually own a Platner chair and it makes my heart sing every time I look at it (thank you ebay!)  And then there are those glorious hooded chairs in the living room, sitting against a backdrop of a purple, grey and words.  Which leads us finally to the dining room- all I can say is hello rug!!!  I would give my left something for that rug, and probably the other left for those chairs, and art, and pendant.  I quite simply, adore everything about this place.


  1. Those hooded chairs are crazy, love them! XX!

  2. Holy. goodness. There's a whole lot of glam gorgeousness going on there! Hope you're having a great day Christine! xx

  3. i would like to life by this way one day :)
    Maybe my wish is yours?
    Follow.Enjoy.Love & Share

  4. Oh, one more thing.. I adore your header. Is that your settee? I'm dying with envy :)

  5. Thanks so much for stopping by everyone:)
    And Sarah, thanks so much for the compliments about the header- it took me a while to figure out how to do it and I wish I knew how to make it stretch across the top of the screen but will do for now:) Yes, the settee is mine- I fell in love with it online and eventually couldn't resist it any longer- I had it shipped from LA- my husband had to drive to Buffalo to pick it up:) It was worth it though...I have been loving it up everyday since.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo