Thursday, October 28, 2010

Design Refuge: This is Me!

Just under the wire, I am posting my entry to the Design Refuge October Contest.  Here is my 'design style' in a nutshell, or in 3 pictures as the case may be:)

First, my living room- nothing defines my personal style more than my own home- it is my place of bliss.

Next, the first room in a magazine that I truly fell in love with; it encapsulates everything I love about decor.  The room is energetic but restrained, modern but lived in.  And on a purely superficial level, the artwork and yellow chairs make my heart sing.

And finally, this space...modern, vintage, new, reused, bold, subtle, white, colourful- all of it gorgeous and exactly how I define my style.



  1. Gorgeous all,
    That second image of the dining room in that London flat never ceases to slay me.
    Cheers and good luck, Alcira

  2. These are all lovely! I'm loving those yellow chairs too! Have a beautiful weekend, Kellie xx

  3. Christine - awesome! Good luck! I love your living room picture!! Gorgeous! Great post!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo