Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Anna Wolf and Suzy Hoodless-

I posted a few pictures from each of these very talented woman yesterday, and feel obliged to show some more.  These ladies are the shit...according to this humble blogger anyways.

I die a thousand deaths seeing this room- Just when I thought I couldn't love Christopher Farr's Carnival any more than I already do, Ms. Hoodless gets her hands on it.

Honestly, can you possibly imagine anything better than the seemingly perfect mix of a trellis and leopard print?  The two are the perfect love child of tradition and eccentricity.

This series of photographs (one of the others was featured yesterday) is just so ridiculously pretty- I have always like pretty...these photographs by Anna make me LOVE pretty and I definitely have a girl crush on whoever that model is.

I like him too.

I love how this picture screams 'I need a vacation from my husband who thinks he's funny but he's actually just juvenile and I am sooo above him.'- my take anyways:)



  1. Christine - beautiful photography! So chic and hip! I simply adore those Christopher Farr panels!! And, that blue bathtub - is that for real??? Unbelievable! Oh and thanks for your comment yesterday - I now don't feel bad about selling my china and you're right about surrounding yourself w/the things you love!! I need to remind myself of that more often! Happy Tuesday!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo