Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Big Room...Again...and a Guest Post

Thank you so much for all of your input helped...alot.

I spent the night reading everyone's suggestions and mulling it all over...the decision right now is that for many reasons, Scarlett has to move to the bigger just makes more sense for what we need the rooms for.'s where I am on the wallpaper front...

I'm still totally and utterly confused...just can't decide on where/how to put sweet because I'm totally obsessing over it and can think of little else, you're going to have to suffer through another post dedicated to said room.

Thank you in advance;)

I took more pictures of the space so you could get a better idea of what I'm dealing with and so you could help me more.

This is the view looking out of the room to the you can see, this room is on it's own level....that closet wall is the only one where you can put something tall...

This is what you see directly in front of you when you walk in and is really the only wall where the bed can go...

This is directly to your left when you walk in and faces the front of the house...

And this is to your right when you walk in and faces the backyard...

Now...some you can see, there's nowhere to put a closet unless we had something built in where the present one is...thankfully someone yesterday made the brilliant suggestion of using clothing racks and this is SO what's going to happen...Scarlett spends hours everday taking her dresses out of the closet to display them around her room anyway.... it's a perfect solution for her.

I'm thinking of making the whole room sort of like a giant dressing room...a la....

tacky floral wallpaper

dressing room

open clothing racks

You get the idea;)

Of course, the racks will be brass...found these online for cheapzies...

Garment Racks


I'm also contemplating a little/large DIY of sort...if you scroll back up and see that bed in there, imagine taking of the legs, painting the base a great shade of something from the paper, attaching chain and doing a little Novogratz hanging action... would totally solve the problem of me having to put the bed in front of the window...I'm thinking big gold chain of course.

Scarlett's current bed would in this scenario, be moved down to the room on the lower level that will be a combo Tasha's bedroom for 2 months of the year/hubby's office...I hope that answers the commenter who was asking where my big girl would go when she comes home every summer...yes, she is going to have a room of her own/place to sleep;)

So...thoughts on all of this.

I'm still heavily debating the paper and of the mind that my brain just can't work out the flowers on some walls and not the much as I love the panel idea that some people suggested, the walls are just too wonky to get good coverage that way...I could do the nook idea but that would leave a lot of walls covered in just plain old paint.

I have three other thoughts...

1. This wallpaper instead...

Floral wallpaper

I dare say I love it as much as the Orangie...$20 bones via Paypal to anyone who can tell me what it is and where I can get it.

2. Walls in paint and Orangie curtain panels on all three windows...

...though this would probably cost as much, if not more than the wallpaper.

3. Paint the walls, do something like a solid pink silk on the windows and source out an amazing floral settee/sofa...or have something recovered....if I had the space, this beauty would SO be travelling from Baltimore to find us...

...have you ever?

I massively love that's just too damn big for that room, anywhere in my house...could go in the playroom actually...agh...I need a lottery win!!!

So there you brain is clearly on hyper-overdrive on this matter but I promise I'll leave you alone after this;)

Oh and before I forget and on a totally different note, please link over and read a little Q&A I did with the utterly fabulous Jessica at the Aestate...

The Aestate

...her blog is one of my absolute favezies and I am so honoured to be visiting...and PS, if you haven't yet checked out her Etsy art shop, you good!

Later bunnies.



  1. Oh my gosh C. Too much greatness. I love that other wallaper too. I love the idea of doing orangie fabric in the room. On the curtains. OR a huge headboard (but very short to accomodate your wall height but very long at the same time).

  2. This room will look so amazing!
    The wallpaper is from Cole & Son wallpaper. (
    Originally designed by Gucci as a scarf for Grace Kelly.

    I adore the idea of the clothes on a golden rack! Scarlett is such a cutie hanging her dresses!


  3. howza bout making the nook where her bed goes in a feature wall (which I normally don't love, but think it would work here)/stand in for a headboard? I'm thinking either paper that area, or fab drapes with a tie back to drape onto either side of the bed. Maybe a coronet to hold up the drapes? My Madelyn and your Scarlet would get along swimmingly. Maddie has a clothes obsession, and would rather shop for clothes than toys any day =)

  4. wahooo! how about buying some fabric and putting it on the walls. Like covering some thin board with it and hanging the board on the walls. almost like panels, except that it does the whole walls. or even the eaves!

  5. My current bedroom set up has my bed in front of a window and it doesn't bother me at all.
    ( for reference.

    Why not just paper the bed wall? Do to ceiling slants and what not I think its the perfect set up for an accent wall.
    For some reason I prefer the paper to curtains. And the others don't compare in my book, but I get sometimes $$$ prevail.

    Love the brass clothes rack idea. So chic!

  6. Where can I find that sectional?

  7. Can't wait to see what you will do with the room. The gold chain bed will be remarkable! Keep updating us :) i like the new choice of wallpaper as well. Very fresh and colorful! Great stuff :)

  8. Where can I get those brass garment racks?! They are so amazing!

  9. I actually really prefer the new paper to Orangie, and I also completely agree with the suggestion that the shape of the room is extremely conducive to an accent wall (which I'm normally not a fan of, but I think this would be a major exception). Good luck!

  10. the hanging beds stole my heart!

  11. Okay, Lady. I have to add in my thoughts here. I have no idea how much the paper costs vs the fabric, however, the paper is only about 18 inches wide, while the fabric is about 57 inches wide. Suppose you cover the walls in the fabric using a very simple liquid starch method? It's 100% cotton and could be dry cleaned later and used on other projects if she ever gets tired of it. Or if you decide to steal it for something else;)
    If not then I love the other wallpaper as well. She's a lucky little lady!

  12. I think that all of the walls should be covered in the "Orangie", with that bold pattern the angles will almost disappear.
    The hanging bed is amazing maybe the base could be upholstered in a solid texture from the fabric , love the gold chain.
    A different solid silk for the drapery panels with a fun trim down the lead edge on brass rods.
    A vintage velvet sofa or love seat with some fun cushions to sit under one of the windows and a desk under the other.
    Of course the brass wardrobe rack, to die!

    In any case whatever you do it will be great, I have no doubt.

  13. ermagheerrd! that floral sofa.

    i love the who idea you got goin here. it's going to be a big fat winner of a room.

  14. I love the glam dressing room idea! Kids clothing is sooo lively!!

    We have my son's clothing on hooks across his wall...and that's just boring boy stuff

  15. What a neat room and I love the open closet solution. So cute how she takes her dresses out. I like the idea of doing the curtains in the orangerie fabric the most. That would look amazing!

  16. I would use orangie on a sofa with great bones...something unusual...and paint the hanging beds! and the open closet idea....Its touch...I don't think curtains in that fabric would be as great....second best in my opinion would be to cover walls with it. hope that helps!

  17. GREAT POST:)
    Your blog is so wonderful and Im following..I hope you follow me also:)

    It would be great if you would do a guest post at my blog sometime.

    have a awesome weekend dear

    LOVE Maria at

  18. the entire room as a dressing boudoir, is totally sounding like Scarlett...fabulous. I love the brass racks. This is any girls/womans dream. wonderful.

  19. I really like the new wallpaper, it's a bit more subtle, better for such a big space. But if you're still set on the orangie I think curtains would look amazing. Also, LOVE the idea of the whole room as a giant closet, always been my dream!

  20. I'm not a great one for suggestions but I must say I am excited to see where this one goes.. I love the wallpaper and the idea of the clothes racks! Such a fun space!

  21. I just loved the idea of hanging the clothes onto the bed railing. Even my son spends a lot of time shuffling through his dresses here and there and make a mess of the closet. I think this is a brilliant idea which I can also put to use.

  22. Where are those racks from? Amaze-balls!

  23. Love this post!

    Personally, I think the most cost effective way to do the room would be to paint the walls, do the pink silk curtain, and find or cover a settee. This way you would have the color and pattern your looking for, but you could also keep it long term. You can't reuse the wallpaper... But you could move the sofa if it ever became necessary.

    Although the wallpaper would look fantastic on all the walls, but only if you're willing to make that kind of commitment financially to the room :)

  24. Please tell me where to find the brass clothing rack - MUST HAVE!! love your ideas!!

  25. I love that wallpaper! I saw on another blog that it was called Flora by Cole & Sons Wallpaper and it was produced from a silk scarf by Gucci and commissioned for a handmade exhibition. I looked all over and I can't seem to find where to buy it apparently it's not in production yet according to this site.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo