Monday, August 20, 2012

Still on a Random Streak...Lucky 7's Monday.

Whoppie pie.

I had a busy weekend driving all over hell's half acre trying to find my up-cycle item...success finally but it was a loooooong search.

For today, some recent eye catchers...

1. I've never seen this part of the famous 'wood island, black/gold hood, giant skylight kitchen' but wowzers...not really in love with the black shelving but OBSESSED with the antique looking cabinetry below.

two tone kitchen cabinetry

2. I spied this picture over at Things that Sparkle and well, it's just so damn pretty...thinking of updating one of my pages with it...


On the flip side of this shot, but equally as fabulous, is this one...

{via}'s already become my new 'advertising'

3. Thanks to Eleni, I now know that the wallpaper I was lusting over is 'Flora' by Cole &'s actually the wallpaper version of this iconic Gucci scarf.  After a mad google search trying to find out if and where it  could be bought, I ended up writing to the company to see if it was going to be put into production...sadly, it's been archived...apparently it's available for bespoke ordering and I've requested pricing but chances are it will be WAY out of this girl's budget...sad face...

4.  Numero three leads me to the way I'm feeling lately...

story of my life... 
{via} many projects I'm dreaming of finishing but SO little cash to do them with:(
Please send ' her husband must get the job this week' good thoughts my way.

5.  Speaking of projects...I'm going to make some sort of hanging rack happen in Scarlett's new room...

..only hers will be suspended with gold chain and will of course, involve a brass rod.
The hanging bed idea has gone out the window...have other plans.

6. This bedroom has me dreaming in mint...

Minty colored bedroom

7. This whole room makes me breathless...

So quirky and charming- love that floral sofa

...the kelly green bamboo chairs with leopard seats...dead...that settee...dead and in heaven- I feel like I'm alsways asking this but anyone know what that fabric gloriousness is?

Enjoy the day love futters...I'm off to buy school backpacks for my soon to be Kindergartener and almost grade oner...and yes, both of these happenings mean that yours truly is going to soon find herself at home...ALONE!  Please pray to the gods that my husband is out of here (as in gets a job...notice that I've brought this up twice today- biiiiiiiig interview this week so let's just say it's on the brain)...mama needs some quiet time:)



  1. that e-card speaks volumes! fingers crossed that your hubs lands an awesome job this week. I need to do some antique shopping around here, it was one of the top things on my to do list for when we moved. have a great week!

  2. The fabric is Scalamandre China Rose (green, I think). I love it.

  3. Love this post for so many reasons. Great eye candy. Love the quote, its the story of my life. Oh and my hubs was laid off 2 years ago and was at home with me for three long months and I about went insane. Love him but need my space. Fingers crossed and big prayers your man gets a jobby job soon!

  4. Job prayers coming your way! Love the hanging rod in Scarlett's room, and that colorful Dining Room with settee makes me smile big time. Good luck this week with all things..
    xo Nancy

  5. I am crossing every available extremity for you and the hubs! :)

  6. I also pinned that last photo....Love the setee and the fabric...swoon!! I would love to know the designer if one of your readers knows it...Its a great look.

  7. So much gorgeousness here. So glad you liked the picture from Friday's post. xo

  8. Praying for y'all. AND when you find out what that fabric is, you let me know. Dying.

  9. Good luck and we're all praying for your hubs! I totally understand that poster...i have good taste but i dont have the money to prove it....story of my life! sigh :(

  10. I love that poster - I can so relate, where is that lottery win?? And sending good vibes re: interview. We have found NOTHING here, and so far we aren't too stressed but ask me in November. It stinks doesn't it???

    But on a light note, you have many firsts at your place - Max is in kindergarten? Wow! And how is Tasha feeling about going away? How is momma? Let's say I shed a few tears yesterday, it is a week before mine goes!

    But we too are secretly excited about her room! Plans are being made as well :)

    Have you ever thought of painting Scarlett's wall like one of your paintings? It would be a one-of-a-kind "wallpaper"!

  11. That fabric you covet in China Rose by Scalamandre. It's a good one, and I am currently hoarding a yard myself. Love it with the kelly green.

  12. Thinking about you and sending positive thoughts your way Christine! I bet a quiet house is worth gold right about now haha.

    oh, and i absolutely love your vision for the hanging clothes rack. gorgeous!

  13. I need to know who makes that fabric too! Love the color of it. Good luck to the hubby in the job interview!

  14. Fingers crossed for the hubs! Can't wait to see the hanging rack - that will look fab.

  15. Looking forward to seeing the hanging rack!

  16. I can SO relate to your stress about having your husband at home. My husband lost his job February 1st and finally started a new one on July 1st. It was a LONG 5 months. Financial pressures aside, having him home and in my business all day was driving me insane. How do retired couples do it?! Keep the faith. Sometimes things happen for a reason and I bet the next job he gets will be better than the one he left!!

  17. So with you on the 'all taste, no money.'


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo