Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Need Design Assitance

Hello lovelies.

I'm in need of some design help today.

The info you need to assist...

We're potentially doing a bit of a bedroom shift since older daughter is off to uni in a couple of weeks...the room she has is sort of on its own level- the landing at the top of the stairs...and it's huge...trouble is, there's no closet and lots of walls...I know the later doesn't sound like a problem but it sort of is because the plan is to plaster the walls in this...

Now I know some people of are of the mind that a room covered in this might be a tad busy and though I can understand the argument, I just don't agree in this case because my little girl needs it in her life- Orangie is basically her in wallpaper form...also, if it's good enough for Summer Thornton, it's good enough for me;)

So...here's the dilemma...the large room presently looks like this...

...ignore the foggy shots...took them this morning while my daughter was still sleeping.

Also ignore the total mess...the room is mid emptying/sorting/packing so is in a bit of turmoil.

The big thing here is that my house is not massive and this room is a lot of valuable real estate...Scarlett is kind of jam packed in her room, though it is a pretty good size...she's just got a lot of stuff...two end tables, dresser/mirror, vanity, chair, book case, clothese...you get the idea...so, do I move her into the big room and do this...

...knowing that to wallpaper that much wall space would likely bankrupt me and would be a LOT of flowers....or do I keep Scarlett in her present room, which is more a square/one large window sort of deal.

Or idea C...do I use the Orangie in the big room on only the back wall?

I'm not really a fan of accent walls in wallpaper though, especially when it's a bold pattern like this one.

The other concern about moving Scarlett into the big room is that there's really no wall for a headboard  because of the slanted ceilings and windows on all three sides...and the no closet gig for her would be a problem...the girl likes her dresses.

Oh and you should probably know that whichever room Scarlett does not get is also going to get a makeover and most definitely will need to serve it's own purpose.

I'll fill you in more on the plans for that space soon...for now, I'll let you in on the wallpaper plans since this might affect your decision...

I've wanted to use Swan Lake forever and seeing how Naomi used it in her client's bedroom transformation totally sealed the deal...must happen.

So, do you like the idea of this paper in the bigger room and the Orangie in the smaller?

Keep in mind that the DG floral is about twice the price of the Swan Lake so that will definitely come in to play.

To be honest, just writing this post has sort of made me think that Scarlett should stay where she is and get the Orangie in her present/smaller room...but then that ginormous room will be there and I'm not sure if I need such a big space for what I need it for...arg.

Of course, the other option is to scrap the Orangie paper altogether, which would mean Scarlett could more easily move in to the bigger room...and the smaller room does serve the other purpose better but...I just SO WANT THAT FLORAL PRETTINESS....decisions, decisions.

HELP thank you please.



  1. I think you need to use the Orangerie. Its so Scarlett! Could you rejig the floor plan in the big room? Put Scarlett's bed where the desk is and then wallpaper that whole area, window wall and side walls, in the Orangerie for more of a nook feel?

    Oh, Swan Lake. I've loved that wallpaper forever too, especially in that colourway. too many wallpaper choices!!

  2. I'm where you are. Swan Lake in the big room and Orangerie in the small room.

  3. Adore the floral, and honestly, it is SO her!! I think if you pick the right base color only using it on one wall will work. I am usually anti feature wall unless it is a monochromatic look done with millwork (my Altadore homes) or if it is a busy paper like this. W picked out a wicked rainbow striped goodness for his room, but with 12' tall walls in there we would have been hearing circus music every time we walked in, so I kept it only on the back wall and one wall that angles, it works out pretty well. Let me know if you want me to send you a pic.
    Whatever you decide on is just going to be ridiculously amazing, as always! xx

  4. What if she stays in her current room with Orangie wallpaper and try to eliminate some of the furniture (save it for fun re-dos!)? Then use Swan Lake in the big breezy room. Since that room is so big you could consider a dual space like, part office/part dressing room with industrial garment racks for her girlie dresses. I would have loved a dressing room when I was her age!

  5. I think you have the right idea my friend. Orangie in the small room, Swan Lake in the big room. Both wallpapers are to die for!

  6. I would move her to the bigger room, and use Orangie. However, how about using very tall panels of it, framed out in an ornate style frame (gold perhaps?). Two panels, side by side, basically from close to the floor to near the ceiling. I can totally see it with the furniture/design that you've picked out for her. It will be fab!! Combined with just the right wall colour, and it will be more like framed art. Could you build in a closet on one wall? Use some vintage frenchy-door goodness and maybe flank it with built in seats on either side? Hard to say without seeing the entire room layout/dimensions. A new room for you to decorate-so much fun!

  7. what if you kept scarlett in her current room and did PANELS out of the DG paper, and the swan lake in the larger room? Or, you coudl paper Scarlett's ceiling in the DG -- then its like botanical gardens as you look up.

  8. I would put the orangie wallpaper on one or two of the main walls and paint the rest black. I think it would look amazing with gold and white furniture and accessories. I'm a huge lover of black walls though so aside from the whole space being the paper, that would be my second choice! If she needs the space and you don't need as much, then I'd probably switch her because it looks like a amazing room for an older girl too!

  9. This might be a very big jump, but you could do a chair rail of sorts and do orangerie on the top half. I know it can be a bit overdone, but I know that you'd do it right and it's adding more architectural features! lol Just an idea, it might be tricky with all those angles, though. I'm not too fond of the accent wall, but I agree with Melissa, done in the right tone, it'd be just fine. I would say to move the little nugget though. I def agree on that point. Bigger room= happier nugget. Good luck with all the decisions!!!

    Much Love,

  10. both of the wall papers are absolutely stunning, but for me....i'd choose the white softer one. It will make the space even brighter! Are you turning this place into a craft room/office/hanging out space? This is such an exciting time for your daughter, packing and getting things ready to go for uni. I just finished uni and i rmb packing my stuff and getting ready to go....best 4 years of experience :) Good luck Scarlett!

  11. What about putting her in the bigger room, getting her a wardrobe, and papering the wardrobe in the floral for her? Solves the need-to-hang-dresses issue, and allows you to use the paper that you love... Just a thought!

  12. Yes love the panels idea. Not opposed to the single wall idea it just needs to be edited well, which surely you will do.

    Thanks for the shout out (again) my Dear. So happy to inspire.

  13. Oh my goodness! Orangie in the big room 100%. But listen to this - you could make the MOST stunning little bed nook. Only wallpaper the wall w/ the window (where the tv is) and the 2 side walls (including the triangular jutted out shape). Then, find coordinating fabric (ideal would the the orangie in fabric form) and create 2 drapery panels that would swoosh and hang to fill that awkward angled ceiling. That way, the transition from the wallpaper to the rest of the painted room (maybe the soft lilac in the floral? or go crazy with coral) wont look so jarring - the panels would create a great transition from one to the other.

    I hope this description is making at least a little bit of sense! I think it could look fab!


  14. I am unbelievably obsessed with that first floral print! Though it's pricey, it would probably make a gorgeous statement. I definitely like the single wall idea!
    ♡ Lexi
    FASHION: Glitter & Pearls
    WEDDINGS: Glitter Weddings

  15. Yup. Leave Scarlett in the small room, Orangie there. Swan Lake in large room.

    She could always move into Swan Lake room when she gets older, and maybe Swan Lake will be more her taste then anyways!

  16. I would ask Scarlett. I find my kids are way happier in their space when they have a say. Also, you can use that fabulous wallpaper in any room - even a powder room! M.

  17. I'm probably not a ton of help, here, but I tend to favor really bold patterns like orangie in smaller spaces: powder rooms, closets, boudoirs. So, my vote would likely be the smaller room.
    Do you really, REALLY like it?

  18. I agree with Alison G. Orangie in the smaller room. LOVE it!!!! Good luck and I know it will turn out amazing! xx


  19. Hi there,

    Just curious....where will older daughter sleep when she comes home from university for visits?


  20. I say Orangie in the small room and Swan Lake in large room definitely! Or just a panel/accent if you really want her in the large room like the other lovely ladies are saying

  21. I love the swan one ... you know me.. .more muted colors but I do have to agree that I think your little red head needs the vibrant colors to go with her fireball personality!

    lets work on a plan to use those blooms into her room!

  22. Okay, I'm thinking if you're going to do the floral wallpaper (which I love!) i think you should do it in the little room. However, I think more important that the wallpaper is the size of room for the spaces needed... I'm sure Scarlett would love that large room. :)

  23. Sounds like you really want the floral...so split the difference and put it in the smaller room. you get the impact you want, with a slightly smaller price tag?

  24. I would definitely be interested!


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Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo