Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Flower Multiplication

I'm a self-professed flower whore...love and spend too much money on them.

But, if I didn't, my house would seem a shell of itself...truly.

Luckily, thanks to yesterday's anniversary and the love muffin, my house's floral quotient just got a large boost.

This arrived in the a.m...

...pretty, though to be honest, I'm not a large bouquet kind of girl...I much prefer smaller little posies sprinkled all over - more bang for your buck sort of thing...plus in giant bunches, I just don't think you really appreciate the beauty of each bloom so...I like to leave them whole for about a day...that way hubster can enjoy his donation to the love fund...for some reason, he's not so found of my flower break up routine...men....anyhoo...I woke up this morning and did the great flower distribution.

In the end, that bunch gave me...

...8 arrangements, a small pile of leftover greens and a new vase...

...not too shabby.

So how about you?

Are you a bigger is better kind of gal/gent or do you prefer to spread the wealth?



  1. I am with you. I like the mono-flower look best. As you will see with my wedding :) These are gorgeous. Lucky girl! xo

  2. Christine - I'm telling ya - I need that settee. Every time I spy it in a picture, I swoon.

  3. I do the same thing! Bang for your buck:) You have so many great vases and your arrangements are perfect!

  4. Gosh you have the prettiest vignettes in your home. Such great taste, girl. I am a flower whore myself!

  5. gorgeous! and a great idea! i usually leave the bouquet as is until it starts wilting - i like a big, thick bouquet. but once a few stems start to go, i'll split up the remaining healthy ones into bud vases.

  6. spread the wealth for sure. Although I would die for a giant arrangement of just peonies. Can I please move into your house!!? UGh I just love it so much! xoxo

  7. Love flowers! I have them all over my apt. Trader Joes is my go to flower place:) Great prices for lovely flowers! xo

  8. Gorgeous! I'm definitely a wealth spreader!

  9. I always separate my bouquets :)

    lovely! just picked up some lavender myself at a French festival...enjoying the fresh floral aroma.


  10. I love the way you spread them out. Soo pretty. You're making me want way more flowers around my house!

  11. definitely inspired to go out and buy some flowers! I really like the idea of splitting them up. I think you enjoy them more.

  12. I love both. Small bouquet on the nightstand and gigantic lilies on the dressoir. Flowers are a must though! Thanks for sharing!

    Hannah from I am a lifestyle blog

  13. Yep i agree. So much more fun to spread the love around. xx

  14. Always prefer bunches of a single bloom. That bouquet is just the gift that keeps on giving.

  15. I love looking at your images.....so refreshing. I like monochromatic arrangements but like em from small to supersized!

  16. I love looking at your images.....so refreshing. I like monochromatic arrangements but like em from small to supersized!

  17. These are gorgeous! I love it! I know my mom will just adore all the colors.

  18. Pretty!! I'm all about spreading the wealth with the flowers. I just want to have them everywhere!

  19. Oh, yeah, I do the same thing, for sure! At least the last time my husband was on board...when he got home and saw them, he said, "oh, that's a grandma bouquet, huh?" Precisely why I separate and can have flowers in every room!

    I love that hydrangea poof on bebe.

  20. Beautiful! love how you separated them out (hubster should be happy at how many MORE flowers it seems after you spread the wealth around the house!) It was a beautiful bouquet he got you to start.

  21. I can barely remember the last time I got an actual bouquet of flowers, LOL. BUT I love having flowers around. I usually to got to the flower shop and buy big bunches of different ones and scatter in different vases like you do - usually the same flower type in each vase but sometimes I'll throw a couple of different types in for a change.

  22. I absolutely love flowers! These pictures are completely stunning! I love all the arrangements.


  23. Beautiful flowers! How wonderful it looks all broken up, Love it! Congrats!


  24. I do the exact same thing with "husband" bouquets.

    Smart cookies, the lot of us! (:

  25. Where do you normally get your flowers? We love going to this place (how2home.wordpress.com/2012/07/07/have-you-been-here-before-2/) tons of varieties and reasonable price.

  26. love your home even more Christine! I really need to come for a house tour in person real soon! Your flowers look absolutely amazing and 8 arrangement out of 1 delivery ... you are officially a professional petal pusher!

    belated happy anniversary!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo